Like 50 2 Stroke Drive Belt HQ V/S

Like 50 2 Stroke Drive Belt HQ V/S

SKU PD.11694 NK900.03 Category Tags ,

Like 50 2 Stroke Drive Belt HQ V/S


NARAKU high-quality VS belts are top quality design and durability from one of the biggest belt manufacturers in the world. Matching the quality of belts fitted to most brands of scooters as standard. Usually an expensive item but Naraku offer them at a very a reasonable price.
High grip combined with good flex minimises friction loss and transmits the engines power to the road. One of the best belts in the range.
Suitable for Kymco AC and LC engines with horizontal cylinder, Kymco 4-stroke and SYM horizontal engines.
Dimensions: 738x18x28

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