STM Tuner Secondary Driven Clutch with Helix for Can Am Maverick X3 (For: Can-Am)

STM Tuner Secondary Driven Clutch with Helix for Can Am Maverick X3 (For: Can-Am)

SKU LHQ.17485 2001006 Category Tags ,

STM Tuner Secondary Driven Clutch with Helix for Can Am Maverick X3 (For: Can-Am)


Can-Am Maverick X3
Choose a helix angle – The most popular helix is the 45o. It is a good all-around helix. It was found that it worked the best for the average to aggressive trail rider.
Choose a spring?C The most popular spring is the KSS8 lime green. This spring works well for most average to aggressive trail/dune riders.
Kit Contents:
STM Secondary Driven Clutch
Secondary Clutch Spring

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